Sunday, June 15, 2008

Opening up Shop

So this will be my first step into the world of actually blogging. Like many of the blogs I enjoy reading, I'll be using this place to link to articles/videos/audio of interest (from culture to politics) and giving my own two cents on them. With nothing else to say, lets begin:


I'm not so sure about this. Another minimalist album cover does seem to harken back to the "Black Album", but this time with perhaps some sort of Beatles "White Album" reference. Much of the buzz from the select journalists who have gotten a listen of the album are all drooling over it with claims of it being as glorious as band's legendary 80's material. Most fans though will look at these reviews with a bit of skepticism, which is something Metallica have well instilled in their fans over the years due to such odd ventures as Re-Load and St. Anger. It doesn't help though when Metallica pulls reviews from the internet and then gives them back, as the good guys at Metal Sucks reported. Of the then deleted and now resurrected reviews, one came from a writer with The Quietus who gave a fair and critical review that one can likely believe in. We'll all know when it finally comes out.
Very cool news and hopefully it takes off. The article also mentions the prospects for this Summer's NIN tour and it sounds freakily fantastic.


Green Jello- Three Little Pigs

Meshuggah- In Death - Is Life/In Death - Is Death

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